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Bhakti Yoga50 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Chanting

Les Leventhal

It's time to chant. Chanting is grounding. Chanting calms the nervous system and, if done in a group, creates and celebrates community. The chants in this video are translated in a way that you can incorporate the essence and meaning of the words into your yoga practice and your life. It is not about the quality of your voice. It is about the quality of commitment to practice, just like the asana videos. It took me years to become comfortable with the sound of my own voice. Once I found that comfort, I fell in love with chanting in a whole new way. Honestly, you can do this video everyday for the rest of you life. Sing out loud.


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ratingRating: 4.96
based on 12 reviews

Pranayama24 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Pranayama

Les Leventhal

Breathing, pranayama. Sometimes it is meant to help us find heat. Other times it is meant to help us find balance. One of the exercises in this video is meant to be a kriya. Kriya means cleansing. This could be for old thoughts and ideas or patterns of behavior and it can also be to literally cleanse the physical body. I want you to feel free to press pause on this video as many times as you want to do longer rounds of all the breathing exercises. How's your breath? How's your life? If you want to know how your life is, check in with your breathing. This video will also help you with your breathing in all the other asana videos.


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Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 3.80
based on 5 reviews

Meditation16 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Seated Meditation

Les Leventhal

Seated Meditation can be extremely calming to the nervous system and stimulating to the mind for creativity. If you are able to connect to your breath and a beginner's "don't know" mind, meditation can also be entertaining. Be willing to allow yourself to be guided. Let go of thoughts and ideas about what meditation should be or what you have to experience in order for it to be a "good" meditation. What we encounter when we sit is the 4th Niyama: Svadhyaya - study of the self. We try to hold on to the things that make us comfortable and we try to push away the things that are uncomfortable. The balance and the opportunity exist in that space in between, especially since pushing things away, is still clinging because it has our attention and desire for change. Let go, surrender, be free.


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Blanket, Chair or Wall to lean against
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 2 reviews

Meditation20 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Silent Meditation

Les Leventhal

Silent Meditation - all meditation is great. This meditation is set up for you to be guided to your seat and then for you to sit for as long as you would like. If you are new 2-5 minutes is fantastic. If you have been doing that for a few weeks, add a few more minutes. For me, in my current practice, a good sit is 20-30 minutes either in the morning or evening and if you have the time or are connecting to that inspiration, do both morning and evening.


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Blanket, Chair or Wall to lean against
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ratingRating: 4.90
based on 15 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga35 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Accessing Joy

Les Leventhal

The purpose of this video is to light you up quickly. Stop waiting to have fun in your practice and in your life. So many times I hear students say how hard that practice was but how they were able to access a level of joy they didn't know was possible or existed for them. If it's too challenging, back off. If you need to up-level and add variations, have fun. What is challenging for you, could be easy for someone else. What is easy for you might be challenging for another. You will be both of those people as you get older. So keep practicing this fun, shorter practice and give yourself permission to not need to get anywhere and just be open to what unfolds for you.



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Block and Strap if needed
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ratingRating: 3.80
based on 5 reviews

Technique Workshops29 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Building blocks

Les Leventhal

Inversions: Handstand, forearm balance and tri-pod headstand. We get so familiar in looking at things through one lens. Give yourself permission to grow the muscles of courage and trust - key ingredients to navigating fear in our lives. Go upside down. I wish I could tell you that these 3 poses would eliminate fear in your life. I cannot. What I can do is make you a promise: Practice this video with or without any of the variations I offer, at least once a week, and you will learn to navigate fear in your life off the mat. The power that you will feed your body from these poses will create strength and vitality in your soul that will carry you through all of life's experiences. I would not say that if it was not my experience. These poses are like the 9th step promises from recovery for me. They deliver every time. Trust and Courage, will always materialize if we work for them. Have a blast. This video is meant to be super fun.


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Block and Strap if available
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.80
based on 5 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga38 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Arm Balancing

Les Leventhal

This arm balancing practice is meant for you to dance and play on the mat. When I first started doing arm balances, it was frustrating. It begged for my commitment. Now it's fun. Having balance and access is fun and so is falling and losing balance and noticing when my attention to breath and gaze are not steady. What we are really growing in this practice is patience. Build a strong solid foundation, so when the balance comes, the experience is flowing with freedom. For me, it's like defying gravity and then learning how to surf it and align with it. What I came to notice is how this practice was a mirror for my relationships, defiance and now, harmony. Do this class over and over again. You will have so much fun and it will be so different every time and you will come to have a fantastic love affair with your own techniques! You will worry less about what everyone else can do and you cannot (on and off the matt). That is a part of aparigraha: non-coveting and non-greed. Enjoy!


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Block and strap if you have/need it
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.47
based on 15 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga42 mins

Flowing for Freedom

Les Leventhal

In this class we will explore and experience Niyamas of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras through our embodied vinyasa.
1. Saucha - purity, cleanliness and moving the body with purpose and precision
2. Santosha - contentment
3. Tapas - austerity and heat to burn old, regressive patterns
4. Svadhyaya - self study and discovery
5. Isvara Pranidhana - devotion

Exploring these guidelines in our practice helps us to live more freely in our lives.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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Optional block and strap
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.89
based on 33 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga21 mins

Guidelines For A Balanced Life: Ahimsa

Les Leventhal

Guidelines For A Balanced Life: Ahimsa. Sometimes we rush from one place to another. Here is a FREE practice for when you just have 20 minutes and you know it will enhance the quality of starting your day, revive you in the middle and help you unwind at the end of the day. This practice will help you let got of the violent twists and turns and communications we often times experience in our days when our schedules are packed too full. You can stay really busy, just do so in a way that honors Ahimsa, non-violence, and move your body with ease and let go of tension and the intensity of the day. Practicing in a non-violent way promotes Moksha, liberation.



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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 1 reviews

Meditation14 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Walking Meditation

Les Leventhal

Walking meditation can cultivate a profound awakening in your life and at the same time a more focused and calming approach in day to day living. You can do this video alone or with any size group. It's about waking up and noticing what we do and do not pay attention to. It is NOT about judging ourselves for what is revealed in the process. Instead, it is meant to invoke the understanding that what is important to pay attention to today could shift tomorrow, with or without a moment's notice. Walking meditation will help you feel more grounded and connected to the earth. You will have a more focused awareness of what you are stepping on and you will find yourself taking it even further once the meditation is finished. You will want to enhance the quality of the life you are living in a way that is more useful of the resources provided by this earth. You will find that walking meditation will very quietly invite you into a conservation and preservation program so that people who live on this earth centuries after us can also enjoy its beauty as we do today. This practice will also show, over and over again, where we get tripped up and the patterns of thinking that take us away from being present. It will also provide new pathways to walk and live in the present so that we don't get as tripped up as much as we used to, regardless of whatever challenges life has in store for us. Good orderly direction.


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ratingRating: 4.81
based on 16 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga17 mins

Guidelines For A Balanced Life: Ishvara Pranidhana

Les Leventhal

Devotion in motion can transform how we practice yoga on and off the mat. This FREE 15 minute flow class will get you focused on moving and working with your body in a way that connects you to altruism, selfless devotion to the welfare of another. When we move the body in this way on the mat, it provides purpose and meaning to our practice and how we show up in people's lives off the mat. Sometimes shorter, more focused practices provide plenty of power and potency to influence real change in relationships.


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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 11 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 5 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Caring

Les Leventhal

Caring for Others, Caring for Self

Sometimes we just need to imagine freedom even when the pressures of life make it appear as if that's not possible. This is why vinyasa yoga is so fantastic. In this flow class we will explore what it means to open up and welcome acceptance of how things are in our lives rather than approaching the practice to try and get somewhere else. Just in that simple opening of possibility, we experience tremendous freedom in movement of the body and releasing tensions. Having balance in this practice is amazing. Losing balance in this practice is amazing. That we have choice to practice is amazing.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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Have block/strap handy if you need them
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.00
based on 22 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 4 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Detox Flow

Les Leventhal

This practice is meant to unlock, unwind and open up areas in the body where we get stuck, in order to revitalize. We are targeting the choking points and focusing our attention to the pelvis and hips, working with twists to open us up from the daily stresses we hold in our bodies. The illusion of freedom is that it is always sukkha: joy. But, sometimes sukkha can be some of the challenging experiences in life. The ease of that experience is in how we navigate challenge. Some of us have only known great challenge. So, when joy moves in, it can be an unfamiliar and uncomfortable experience. Let this practice open you up to feel deserving to experience freedom for everything. Play with your edges and open to transformation.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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Block, Strap (Optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.75
based on 12 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga54 mins

Anahata Chakra Vinyasa

Les Leventhal

This peak pose oriented class will provide fantastic warm up postures with and without props to help you explore some of yoga's more invigorating backbending poses safely and comfortably. It's Anahata Chakra Vinyasa -4/4/4: The 4th Chakra - Anahata, Heart; the 4th Yama, Bramacharya, how we treat others and honoring our intimate relationships; and the 4th Niyama, Svadhyaya, self-study. This practice is all about collaboration, relationships and finding out what we can do and where we dance in the playfulness of effort and surrender. It will deepen your exploration of relationships on and off the mat and shift your priorities in a way that all of your relationships will become more meaningful.


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Block and Strap
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ratingRating: 4.71
based on 14 reviews

Power YogaMultiple Options

Yoga with Les Leventhal - Bundle 5

Les Leventhal

See below for descriptions and thumbnails of the four classes in this bundle.

Les Leventhal class 17
Class 17 - Sun Salutations
Great for morning practice, wake-up flow and energizing yet soothing for jetlag. 30min.

Les Leventhal class 18
Class 18 - Intermediate Vinyasa
30 minutes of fun filled sweaty vinyasa with lots of creative variations. 30min

Les Leventhal class 19
Class 19 - Forward Folds
Excellent class for night time or if you’re feeling a little too much shakti in your day. 45min

Les Leventhal class 20
Class 20 - All Levels Vinyasa
A full hour of flow. Let go flow with Les. 60min.

"Yoga with Les is always an invitation into the unexpected and the unimaginable spaces in my practice; more like a dish of salted caramel ice cream topped with fresh unsweetened whipped cream." ~ Megan Windele


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ratingRating: 4.70
based on 10 reviews

Power YogaMultiple Options

Yoga with Les Leventhal - Bundle 4

Les Leventhal

See below for descriptions and thumbnails of the four classes in this bundle.

Les Leventhal class 13
Class 13 - Upper Body
This class will help strengthen and lengthen the upper body while relieving neck and shoulder stress. Building trust in your path towards arm balancing and inverting. 30min.

Les Leventhal class 14
Class 14 - Arm Balancing
Learn to defy gravity with grace – practice this class 108 times and cultivate strength, patience, compassion and humility. It will free your everything. 30min

Les Leventhal class 15
Class 15 - Side Stretching | Side Bending
Allow your imbalance to guide you towards balance. This vinyasa class is a great detox flow and good for digestion. 45min

Les Leventhal class 16
Class 16 - All Levels Vinyasa
A full hour of flow. Let go flow with Les. 60min.

"Yoga with Les is always an invitation into the unexpected and the unimaginable spaces in my practice; more like a dish of salted caramel ice cream topped with fresh unsweetened whipped cream." ~ Megan Windele


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ratingRating: 4.69
based on 8 reviews

Power YogaMultiple Options

Yoga with Les Leventhal - Bundle 3

Les Leventhal

See below for descriptions and thumbnails of the four classes in this bundle.

Les Leventhal class9
Class 9 - Prana-Shakti Flow (Intermediate Rigorous Flow)
Be sure to take it at your own pace so you can enjoy the rasa and try this class more than once. 30min.

Les Leventhal class 10
Class 10 - Yoga for Abs
30 minutes of focusing on your Buddha belly and this sacred place of home and center from which all the limbs reach and respond. Mixed in are some reclining twists and bridges. 30min.

Les Leventhal class 11
Class 11 - Side Stretching | Side Bending
The side body's where many muscles tend to tighten, knot and restrict. This class unwinds and decongests so Prana can flow freely. 45min.

Les Leventhal class 12
Class 12 - All Levels Vinyasa
A full hour of flow. Let go flow with Les. 60min.

"Les provides me with the instruction and space to go inside myself and find the joy, the grief, the triumphs, and the struggles; letting that all go and returning to the world with an open heart to be of better service to myself and others. " ~ Joe Thompson


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ratingRating: 4.83
based on 6 reviews

Power YogaMultiple Options

Yoga with Les Leventhal - Bundle 2

Les Leventhal

See below for descriptions and thumbnails of the four classes in this bundle.

Les Levanthal class 1
Class 5 - Shoulders
An all levels class targeting shoulders, the entire shoulder girdle (clavicle, humerus and scapula) shoulder blades and neck. 30min.

Les Levanthal class 1
Class 6 - Yoga Basics
A great level 1 yoga flow class for newbies or advanced practitioners looking for more focus on alignment and technique rather than lots of flow. 30min.

Les Levanthal class 1
Class 7 - More Backbends
An all levels flow class focusing on 4th Chakra, Anahata Chakra, cultivating compassion, wisdom and stability. 45min.

Les Levanthal class 1
Class 8 - All Levels Vinyasa Class
A full hour of flow. Let go flow with Les. 60min.

"Les' passion for bettering the world by teaching us to take our practice off our mats and into the unknown is positively contagious! His energy, compassion, and intuitive nature is just incredible to be around! " ~ Goldie Kaufenberg


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ratingRating: 4.92
based on 24 reviews

Power YogaMultiple Options

Yoga with Les Leventhal - Bundle 1

Les Leventhal

See below for descriptions and thumbnails of the four classes in this bundle.

Les Levanthal class 1
Class 1 - Hips and Hamnstrings
An all levels vinyasa class focusing on hip openers and hamstrings. 30min.

Les Levanthal class 1
Class 2 - Twists
An all levels vinyasa focusing on twists to free the lower back and spine. 30min.

Les Levanthal class 1
Class 3 - Backbends
An all levels vinyasa class that which safely explores heart openers and back bends. 45min.

Les Levanthal class 1
Class 4 - All Levels Vinyasa
A full hour of flow. Let go flow with Les. 60min.

"Yoga with Les is magic - it's my workout, my temple, my heart and my soul. Les has the ability to be calming, energizing and inspiring all at the same time. From him I learn to open my mind, be of service to myself and others, laugh and also cry." ~ Rebecca Weill


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